BMW ENET Coding Cable BMW ENET Esys Ethernet Interface BMW Enet Ethernet to obd cable For BMW E-SYS ICOM Coding F-Series BMW ENET Esys Ethernet Interface BMW ENET Coding software installation Guide:
01) Run "\\ E-sys 3.18.4 \ E-Sys_Setup.exe" to install the program to "C: \ EC-Apps \ ESG \ E-Sys \ E-sys.exe"
(Installation Password is "lo8F3lsVVg" if prompted)
02) Copy "Ediabas" folder from "\\ E-sys 3.18.4 \ E-sys 3.18.4 \ Ediabas" to "C: \ Ediabas"
03) Make sure that "C: \ Ediabas \ Bin \ EDIABAS.INI" is set to Interface = ENET (it is possible that it has a different value, in this case, simply change)
04) Copy the "is" folder from "\\ E-sys 3.18.4 \ is" to "C: \ ESysData \ e-sys is"
05) Copy all the "psdzdata" subdirectories (all 7 folders) from "\\ 2_46.3 psdzdata \" to "C: \ ESysData \ psdzdata \"
06) Copy the contents of the "C: \ ESysData \ psdzdata \ swe" folder to the "C: \ ESysData \ SWE" folder.
07) Make sure there is a "Dist" folder in each of the chassis (F01 / F10 / F25), etc. (For example,
"C: \ ESysData \ psdzdata \ handseries \ F010 \ F010_12_03_511 \ ODX \ dist") (should already be set, but you should check in anyway - if not there -
08) Turn Auxillary Power On Car (motor off) and connect car with OBDII-Enet interface cable (Wait a few minutes until the network card icon shows a connection with the exclamation mark Yellow above)
09) Run "C: \ Ediabas \ Hardware \ ENET \ ZGW_SEARCH.exe" to check the cable and connection are working (IP address, MAC address, and VIN will be displayed checking the actual communication to the car) (ZGW_SEARCH.exe Works intermittently on 64-bit Windows - not necessarily a problem if the ZGW_SEARCH window is empty, as long as the wired network adapter of the computer displays an IP address assigned to the car's computer)
10) Run "C: \ EC-Apps \ ESG \ E-Sys \ E-sys.exe" and Options, Settings: On the ODX tab, The ODX Path to "C: \ ESysData \ Rules" rule on the EST tab, set the developer-soft-Token path to "C: \ ESysData \ is \ code Away.est"
11) Press the connect button on E-Sys Target Vehicle Selection (eg TargetSelector: Project = F020_12_03_503m VehicleInfo = F020) NOTE: Target vehicle for F30 is F20!
12) Select Connect via VIN, then click Connect (window should appear confirming successful connection)
(The program will remember the "connection via VIN" for future connections)
13) When you first connect to your car, you will need the PIN E-Sys, which is 2690
14) Please see other way to documents regarding coding itself.
15) Miscellaneous:
a. Some modules take a long time before the changes begin to work (for example, trunk and mirror nearby). If it still does not work after one hour, try recoding the module again, even though it appears that the correct parameter (eg "nicht_aktiv") is set.
b. Share undocumneted encodings with the community.
c. If encoding for an extended period of time (> 30 minutes or more
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